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Welcome to The Poop Fairy's help desk.
Our magical services will remove all the pet waste from your yard.

We love our pets even when they make a mess. No matter how much we train our pets there is a mess they are guaranteed to make almost daily is poop or waste. Now you are left to clean up the slimy, stinky, squishy poop left behind. If you are like the majority of Americans you do not enjoy picking up dog poop. Lucky for you we have the magical touch to make this chore disappear. With the swipe of a wand or a pinch of pixie dust our fairies will have your yard cleaned and free of any stinky dog poop. We offer three service options, Swipe of The Wand, A Pinch of Pixi Dust, and The Complete Fairy. No matter what your poop scooping needs are we have the magic touch just for you. 


The Poop Fairy is a special fairy that uses her unique magic wand and fairy dust to remove poop and the stink that comes with it. We are owned and operated by Ary a 10 year old energetic, 5th grade entrepreneur. With the help from her parents William Appleton and Meshel Rubio, Ary plans on serving all of Nassau County and providing magical pet waste removal service to remember. 


Magic poop removal services

We offer three magical service options that take care of all your poop removal needs. If you are looking for a one time helping hand with your pet waste we can fly by for a quick Swipe of The Wand, or if you would like routine help A Pinch of Pixie Dust would be the next level of magic! If you are a true fairy believer then the only option is The Complete Fairy! This is the closest you will ever come to having your own personal magic fairy. The Poop Fairy will come by twice a week to remove the stinky poop from your yard, leaving behind nothing but a trail of pixie dust. 

One time swipe of the Wand

This is perfect for pet owners that typically pick up after their dogs, but it just got out of hand. With one swipe of our fairy's magic wand all the poop will be gone. Then you can go back to keeping up with it or schedule another service.

25 a swipe

The Complete Fairy 

If you have one or more dogs big or small this is the magical solution you have been looking for. Let us make the stinky dog poop magically disappear twice a week, leaving only a trace of pixie dust.

20 a week

A Pinch of Pixie Dust

Everyone has always wanted a magical fairy and now is your chance! Once a week our Fairy will visit your location and use their magic pixie dust to make all your pets waste disappear. 

If you want even more magic check out our service The Complete Fairy!

13 a week


All pricing is based off of one dog. For the additional magic required for each additional dog there will be an additional $3 each visit. If you have more than four dogs please contact us for custom pricing. 




Poop removal service flight areas

Our dog poop removal fairies fly all over the Yulee, Fernandina Beach, and Amelia Island  area weekly. If you are looking for someone to pick up your dog poop or pet waste you have found the home of The Poop Fairy who brings the magic to the poop that makes it disappear. Click the button below to schedule your Pinch of Pixie Dust now!

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